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zondag 13 oktober 2019

Locke and Key sketchbook

Hey everyone! Yes, this blog is still alive! I've been neglecting it lately, but here's another build log! So, what did I make? I made a sketchbook based on the comic series "Locke and Key"! This project is a custom comission. The client had a key from the comics, and asked me if I could make a book with some sort of holder for the key. He sent me...

zondag 24 maart 2019

Horned Helmet

It has been quite a while since my last post. Again! At the moment, I'm busy as hell. I recently made Eyeballs Studio an official business and became a dad! Having a tiny human around is quite time and energy consuming (not that I'm complaining, I love our little cupcake more than anything else). I'm still working on new and cool stuff, but here's...

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