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maandag 13 mei 2013

The Dwarven Hammer, part 1

Introduction For a few years now, I’ve been attending the Elf Fantasy Fair in the Netherlands. It’s a really fun event, with all sorts performances, shops and people in amazing costumes. In the past, I didn’t really put in an effort to dress up properly, but now I finally decided to start working on a real costume. Every year, there’s a theme. Last...

zaterdag 11 mei 2013

It's alive!!!

Here's the required opening post for new blogs. So what is Eyeballs Studio all about? A while ago, I made a few props for a Halloween party. I had never made anything like that before, but it turned out I'm not that bad at it. A few of those props I still have, others were a bit too crappy or flimsy, or simply took up too much space in my appartment and are gone now. After that, I started reading a lot about creating props. Ever since I met my girlfriend I also started going to conventions, and we both like to dress up (yep, my girlfriend is really...

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